• LifeCamp is a fun and educational summertime experience for children and teens from greater Newark, teaching skills for life and school, and supported by donations as a non-profit organization.

    The Life Camp movement began in 1887, when Life magazine editor John Amos Mitchell founded the “Life’s Fresh Air Fund”.

    In 1923, James Cox Brady opened the Life Farm on his land in Pottersville, New Jersey, to serve children from Newark.

    Our rural campus provides a unique setting for children to discover their talents and stretch their imaginations in a way few other summer camp programs can match.

    The young people who benefit come from urban backgrounds without other access to such an idyllic location.

    Fundraising keeps tuition affordable for these families, with 94 percent of all dollars raised going directly to services for campers.

    This video, "LIFECAMP - CENTENNIAL" was created by Awakened Films.